Malpractice Statement

At JONMAD, we, the publishers and editors, are committed to upholding ethical publishing practices. We adhere to established guidelines that apply to all contributors, including authors, peer reviewers, the editorial team, and the journal itself. As part of our ethical commitment, we are dedicated to preventing the publication of any work that involves research misconduct and will take all reasonable measures to identify and address such instances. The misconducts are, but are not limited to the list:

·        Plagiarism – Plagiarism is an offence committed when an author (authors) uses (use) another work (typically the work of another author) without permission, credit, or acknowledgement. Plagiarism can happen in different shapes, such as verbatim copying, substantial copying, and paraphrasing of the work of another author or authors or his/her/their creative works. Verbatim and substantial copying can be easily detected in the journal’s plagiarism online application, but paraphrasing seems more difficult to detect. However, the editors will take seriously the quantity and quality of the manuscripts submitted to ensure that the author(s) has/have not benefited from the skill and judgment of another article or creative work without acknowledgements. If a significant amount of overlapping text (e.g., an overlap >15% or a similarity>50%) is found, we will immediately verify if the manuscript is associated with publication misconduct.

·        Allegations regarding author contributions – All the authors must have contributed substantially to the manuscripts they submitted for consideration by the journal editors. All co-authors MUST meet the criteria for authorship (see details in the author section) and ensure appropriate acknowledgements are made in the manuscript. Substantial contributions include but are not limited to conceptualisation, development of the ideas, involvement in literature search and reviews, fieldwork, content-proof reading, data computation and analyses or/and drawing up conclusions.

·        Duplicate submission/publication The journal does not permit duplicate submission or publication that is, submitting the same or a very similar manuscript to more than one journal. This takes the forms of redundant publication, misrepresentation of the author(s), data falsification or refusing to declare a conflict of interests. These are unethical and can result in rejection or even retraction at any point these misconducts are found out.

·        Manipulation of the peer review process – when either the corresponding author or any of the authors and the reviewers have acted in an unethical manner in the review process. The editor SHALL withdraw the manuscript based on the ethical breach